Stemming the Tide of Nearsightedness

“Myopia, or nearsightedness, has reached alarming levels both in the United States and globally, making it a critical public health concern,” says Dr. Saras Rustagi, optometrist and owner of Eye Care & Wear in Upper Montclair and Ridgewood. “In the United States, recent statistics indicate a significant uptick in myopia cases among children, with a substantial portion of the population affected.”


In light of this issue, Dr. Rustagi has introduced the Oculus Myopia Master into his practice. This instrument is critical in identifying and monitoring myopia in children. “The Myopia Master advanced diagnostic tool utilizes sophisticated technology to precisely measure the degree of myopia, which enables our team at Eye Care & Wear to tailor intervention strategies based on individual needs. He adds, “It also has predictive capabilities that play a crucial role in foreseeing how a child’s myopia may evolve over time.  Preventative measures for children include annual eye exams, spending time outdoors, and limiting screen time.”


Dr. Rustagi also recommends patients to follow the AOA 20-20-20 Rule. For every 20 minutes of near focused work, take a 20 second blink break, and look into the distance, 20 feet away.


Dr. Rustagi founded his practice so that he and his staff could offer patients what is the best eye care, treatments, contacts, and glasses for people of all ages. “I’ve always wanted to do things with a certain style and never wanted outside influences to govern the type of care I provide,” he says. “Plus, my mom had a lot of illnesses, and one of the things she always told me was, ‘You want to build the type of practice in which you would feel great about treating me.’ So, I proceeded with that family approach, which has been very successful.”


Upper Montclair Eye Care & Wear

NJ 270OA00584500

211 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair, NJ



Ridgewood Eye Care & Wear

NJ 270OA00584500

160 E Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ


Expert Advice